Alternative Therapies
July 27, 2006 - The last few days have been pretty uneventful as I've been healing from my surgery. Right now, I'm still a little stiff and sore but I'm feeling 100 times better than I was just a few days ago. At the very least, I can eat like a normal person again.
Yesterday I visited a clinic in Washington, DC called the National Integrated Health Associates that specializes in Alternative and Complimentary Medicine and Therapies for cancer treatment. I understand that to truly beat cancer, I need to address the underlying issues that caused my cancer in the first place. Since I can't point to any of the typical carcinogens like tobacco and alcohol as the cause for my condition, there must be something below the surface that created a suitable environment within my body for cancer to take hold. The NIHA helps people examine things like diet, stress, spirituality and other physical conditions that may affect the immune system to find answers as to why we get cancer in the first place and, more importantly, how we can help eliminate it and prevent it from coming back. Certainly these types of practices are wrought with red flags but I'm keeping an open mind.
I met with Dr. Paul Beals whose profile states he is a Board Certified Family Practitioner and Clinical Nutritionist having earned his medical degree at Temple. Based on the research that I did, I believe his Board Certification expired in 2005 and has not yet been renewed but I'm not sure and it probably doesn't matter anyway. I didn't turn up any negative information about him and I do know that he has taught classes in alternative medicines and therapies at Georgetown Medical School for several years so all in all, I don't think this guy is a complete quack.
Dr. Beals has some pretty strong opinions regarding traditional cancer therapies and the medical industry in general which seemed to border on conspiratorial. After a brief exam, he zeroed in on a few issues including the fact that I have a couple of metal fillings in my mouth as well as a root canal. I would have never guessed that a root canal could be so problematic but it apparently invites bacteria and infection and chronic infection can lead to cancer. He recommended that at some point, I have this replaced by a bridge. He also recommended that I be tested for heavy metal toxicity, consult with a staff nutritionist, begin a regimin of I.V. mega-doses of vitamins and begin taking a pro-biotic formula to correct what he suspects are bacterial imbalances in my gastro-intestinal tract. Additionally, he referred me to a website to purchase something called "paw paw". I know what you're thinking.
The I.V. vitamins aren't happening. Besides the fact that it would require a drive to DC every week and 1.5 hours in his office, I'm just not convinced that megadose vitamins help or, more importantly, aren't toxic in their own right. I'm taking extra supplements on my own which I will continue to do. I will consult with a nutritionist because I think that's smart anyway and I did agree to be tested for heavy metal toxicity.
The metal toxicity test is two-fold and uses blood and hair. The technician who took my blood asked me if I was scared of needles and I had to laugh. If she only knew how many times I've been stuck over the past 6 weeks! Once my blood was drawn, she attempted to take a hair sample. Now, I recently shaved my head and even though it has grown out a little, my hair is still way too short to give the inch that they needed for a succesful test. At first, she suggested I wait a few weeks and come back. I asked if they could use any other hair, suggesting my legs. As it turns out, they can use one other type of hair and I'm sure you can imagine which type.
So, if you has asked me yesterday morning what my day was going to consist of, I promise you that standing in a strange bathroom using a pair of scissors in the manner in which I was using them would not have been one of my answers. I sure hope this works!